An Introduction to Sector-Based Work Academy Provision

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Sector-based work academies help prepare those receiving unemployment benefits to apply for jobs in a different area of work. Placements are designed to help meet your immediate and future recruitment needs as well as to recruit a workforce with the right skills for the job.

A sector-based work academy can last up to 6 weeks. Placements have 3 main components:

  1. pre-employment training – matched to the needs of your business sector
  2. work experience placement – a great opportunity for a business to identify talent and for the individual to cement their knowledge and understanding of the required role
  3. a guaranteed job interview or help with an employer’s recruitment process

An important feature of SWAP is that each sector-based work academy offers a flexible approach and can be adapted to meet the needs of a business. Placements are particularly useful for young people but are open to all jobseekers aged 18 upwards.

Participants remain on benefits while on a SWAP placement. The government will pay any travel and childcare costs whilst benefit claimants are on the scheme. There is no direct cost to an employer for running a sector-based work academy as training and administration costs are covered by government funding.